Many of you have been training extremely hard. Some of you have experienced gains, some of you have not experienced the gains you want. There is another factor of your training that you need to closely examine..... NUTRITION.
My college strength coach used to say that strength development was 40% training and 60% nutrition. We had daily strength training sessions with our strength coach, and we also had nutritional sessions with a nutritionist (food coach). If a university is willing to pay someone to monitor their athletes' nutritional consumption, you can bet it is an extremely important factor in YOUR training.
The nutrients you put in your body pre and post workout are the most important of the day. Moderate to high intensity training will use muscle ATP/glycogen stores (immediate energy). These stores will become severely depleted and will stay this way if carbohydrates are not consumed after a workout. Carbohydrates before a workout will replenish any storage loss from your previous workout, refilling your glycogen tank. Carbohydrates prior to training will also improve protein transport to help repair muscles worked during training.
Both Protein and Carbohydrates dramatically improve protein synthesis (muscle/strength building) and shorten recovery time.
When should you eat?
15-30 minutes before training..... 20-30 grams of protein and 20 - 30 grams of carbohydrates.
0-30 minutes after your workout..... 20-30 grams of protein, 20-30 grams of carbohydrates.
What should I eat to meet the above requirements?
- Drink 2 servings of chocolate milk.
- Eat 2 servings of cottage cheese and some fruit.
- Eat 2 servings of low fat yogurt.
- Mix a scoop of protein powder and 8-12 ounces of sports drink, water, or juice.
- Consume a "ready to drink" recovery shake/supplement before and after training.
'Ready to drink" Examples: (All except "Surge" are available at Albertson's and Smith's.)
- EAS Myoplex and Myoplex Lite
- Cytosport Muscle Milk
- Slim Fast High Protein
- Chocolate Milk
- Biotest Surge Recovery (www.t-nation.com) (Chocolate is the best flavor)
Let me know if you have any questions.